Our Stories
Our Stories
These are some of the stories and testimonials of the strong, resilient, and determined young mothers who, regardless of how hard the road may be, seek out education so that they can be the best they can be. Strength, resilience and determination are evident throughout their writing.

You might feel like you have limits if you have a kid, and you do, but there is always a way to make it work, just don’t let negative people stop you.
Not once have I stopped and ever regretted the choices I have made, hands down I can truly say that my kids have saved me. I am currently studying travel and tourism, even though it isn’t exactly where I want to be. I thank God, I’m not where I used to be
I want to make a better life for my son to live in. Ever since I’ve given birth to him, my view of things have become more open
My son has been the motivation for me to plan ahead and think of my future
I know in my mind I’ll be the best mother I can be and do everything in my power to create a bright future for my son
My daughter means everything to me, without her my life would be very different. Having her, helps me think of creating a positive future
I actively show my children that resilience and perseverance pays off, never give up, it doesn’t matter how small a goal is, just keep going until you have achieved it
Thank you He Matariki staff for making everything possible. This school and the staff have played a massive role in my education and life. They helped me accomplish level 1, 2, 3 and UE; as well as helping me overcome social anxiety. For me I realised that the key to education is feeling belonged to a community, that supports you no matter what. Being able to walk into an environment that brings nothing but positive vibes, relationships and strong ongoing support from your lecturers and peers. They made education possible for me when all I ever thought was “I’m a young mum, that dropped out of school at the age of 15 who has no qualifications behind my name whatsoever, nobody in the workforce will consider me at all”. Well He Matariki changed that perspective, I’ve accomplished all NCEA levels plus UE in one year, was granted a scholarship and am now studying to be an early childhood teacher through Open Polytechnic, I am also working as an after school care supervisor and juggling motherhood in between. It’s all possible so never doubt yourself, pregnant or have a child and you are younger than 19 enroll at He Matariki!!! They’ll help you accomplish goals that you are dedicated to pursue. This is just my story of success, I put my hands together for all the other teen mums who have succeeded as well
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Whangārei 0147
Ph: 09 438 2602
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Jasmine and son Noah
/in Uncategorised /by monsterWarmth, unconditional love, happiness.
After completing a large void in an uncertain journey, I have come to a place of happiness.
Becoming pregnant at the young age of fifteen is definitely frowned upon and seen as a poor life choice, but for me, it was the opposite. Falling pregnant at a young age did not put a dampener on my life, it caressed and shaped my life into something wonderful. Fifteen year old me was lost and taking paths into dark and untasteful spaces, becoming pregnant changed that path.
Summer and daughter Aliyah Rose
/in Uncategorised /by monsterTo me, it seems to be a name or label given to those who have had a child under the age of 20. To me, it seems like somewhat of a stereotype, as if age puts these people in a different grouping from the rest of the population who have children. To me, ‘teen parent’ seems to be used more often in a negative way, spoken with a change of tone, in a bad manner, and, portrayed, through statistics, as a problem.