Pregnant or
having a baby?Continue your education with us.
Are you a teen parent or about to become a teen parent?
Education is the best way forward. Let us help you!
Being a teen parent isn’t easy. You’ve got more on your mind than studying, right? Your baby needs you, your pregnancy has put you on a new path, and you’re having to deal with a whole lot more than many other students your age.
We get it. In fact, we live it every day. He Matariki Teen Parent School has become the meeting point for teen mums and pregnant young women all over Northland.
We offer education in a modern, calm, welcoming and purpose-built facility, with free childcare available through our early childhood centre partner right next door.
You’ll feel supported, engaged and completely comfortable with us: it’s our job to help you get to where you want to be in life.
What makes He Matariki different?
It might feel impossible, but we’ve designed a space where you can be a young parent AND learn at the same time. How? Through giving you flexibility to learn what you want, when you want and how you want, with your baby or toddler right next door.
Create your future – we’ll get you there!
Whether your dream is to enter the workplace, or prepare for further training or tertiary study, we’ll offer on-going support throughout your pregnancy and early parenting years to get you there. In fact, turning your dreams into achievable goals is what we’re all about.
Whatever you’re interested in – us too!
Wherever your passion lies, that’s where you’ll find us. Whether you’re into nursing, business, farming, travel, science, hospitality, retail or more: we’ve got the courses and the facilities to get you on the right track to a bright future. If you’re a pregnant teen or teen parent, we’ve got you covered.
Education is the key to a bright future!
He Matariki Teen Parent School is here to give you support, to connect you with the right services to help, and to bring your dreams within reach. Together, we can achieve great things.
Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngahere ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga, nōna te ao
The bird that partakes of the miro berry, reigns in the forest, but the bird that partakes of the power of knowledge has access to the world.
Get in touch
PO Box 6095
Whangārei 0147
Ph: 09 438 2602
Email: email us here